This message builds on the Genesis 3:15 Torah teaching confirmed in Rabbinic Exegesis. See :
•(see top URL p.1226) “PINAH MENU MOSHIACH TZIDKENU…Moshiach our Righteousness has turned away from us. We are crushed and there is none to justify us. He loaded on himself our sins and the yoke of our transgressions, and he was thrust through because of our transgressions. He loads up our sins on his shoulders so that he might find forgiveness for our iniquities. There is healing for us in His wounds, O Eternal, it is time to create him anew, make him ascend from the circle of the Earth, bring him up from Se’ir (the world of the Gentiles) to proclaim to us again on Mt Levanan by the Hand of Yinnon (Moshiach; see Ps 72:17)” Moshiach in the Prayer Book supplied to the
OJB translator by Rachmiel Frydland in 1980, with notes in his own hand; taken from a Mahzor published long ago but derived from an ancient source.
•The Moshiach—what is his name? The Rabbis say, the leprous one; those of the house of Rabbi say, the sick one, as it is said, “Surely he hath borne our sickenesses.”(Sanhedrin 98b, Babylonian Talmud quoting Isaiah chp 53 Messianically.)
•Targum attestation of Messianic Interpretation of Tanakh: see Targum Isaiah 42:1-9; 52:13 (Targum
Jonathan); 53:10
•Pesiqta Rabbati Midrash on Isa 61:10 which quotes Isaiah 53 Messianically
•Babylonian Talmud Sukkah 52a which gives a Messianic interpretation to Ps 2 and Ps 21
•Ruth Rabbah Midrash 5:6
•Zohar 2:212a
•Midrash Rabbah XXIII 5-6 on Genesis 3:15 Midrash Rabbah XXX.3 on Genesis chp 2
•Targum to Isaiah 9:5(6) interpreting it Messianically
•Pesikta Sotarta on Num 24:17 and Moshiach’s star
•Midrash Tehelim on Ps 2:7
•Jerusalem Talmud Berachoth on Micah 5:1(2)
•Midrash on Psalm 18:35(36) interpreting Psalm 110:1
•Midrash on Lamentations I, 16 on Jeremiah 23:6
•Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 98 on Daniel 7:13-15, interpreting it
•Rabbi Moses Abraham Levi on Dan 9:24-26
•Genesis Rabbah 98.9 on Zechariah 11:12-13
•Targum to Isaiah 43:10 interprets Isaiah 53 Messianically
•Midrash Talpiyot 58a on Moshiach’s new torah: see Jer 31:31 and Isa 42:4 A quote from the disciple of Rabbi Itzchak Luria, Rabbi Chaim Vital: “Moshiach will rise up to Heaven just as Moses ascended to the firmament, and will thereafter return and be completely revealed, for all to see.”
•Also see Appendix IX in Alfred Edersheim’s classic work, which gives a long list of passages in the Tanakh which are Messianically applied in rabbinic literature, showing that these Biblical passages in
question are not being twisted in a non-Jewish interpretation. Who is Moshiach?
•Moshiach is the Zera HaIsha, Seed of the Woman, Bereshis (Genesis) 3:15
•Moshiach is the Yitzchak of Israel’s Redemption through his Akedah (Binding)
•Moshiach is the Yosef suffering servant Moshia HaOlam (Savior of the World) who is only in the end recognized en masse by his own brothers, Am Yisroel
•Moshiach is the Korban Pesach l’Adonoi, Pesach sacrifice to Adonoi, Shemot (Exodus) 12:11; Yeshayah (Isaiah) 53:7
•Moshiach is the Kohen HaMoshiach l’olam, eternal anointed Kohen, Vayikra (Leviticus) 4:3; Tehillim (Psalms) 110:4
•Moshiach is the Kokhav miYa’akov, Star out of Jacob, Bamidbar (Numbers) 24:17
•Moshiach is the Navi kamo Moshe, Prophet like Moses, Devarim (Deuteronomy) 18:15
•Moshiach is the Moshi’a liBnei Yisroel, Deliverer to the Children of Israel, Shofetim (Judges) 3:9
•Moshiach is Go’aleinu, our Kinsman-Redeemer, Ruth 2:20
•Moshiach is Nagid al Ammo, Ruler over his people, Shmuel Alef 13:14