*Evangelism Studies at Global University Center
*How to Point to Y'shua in your rabbi's Bible
Mevaser Part 1:
*PDF of Machzor Rosh Hashanah V'Yom Kippurim K'Minhag Sefarad (New York: Hebrew Publishing Company) Pointing to Y'shua...
Notice MahzorA.pdf, particularly noting the last page (page 71) of that pdf file, the middle part of that last page, specifically the Hebrew in smaller type, especially the word before "SAR HAPANIM". Also on page 17 [two key words "yichud Qudsha, the unification of the Holy One, or the Holy Unity"--see also the Zohar] in mahzorA.pdf note the following "BEHOLD I PREPARE MY MOUTH TO THANK AND PRAISE MY CREATOR IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY UNITY, BLESSED IS HE, AND HIS SHECHINAH [I.E. THE RUACH HAKODESH] BY THE HAND OF HIM WHO IS HIDDEN AND CONCEALED [I.E. YESHUA SAR HAPANIM
Now go to mahzorJ.pdf and go down about 7 lines from the top where you see PINAH MENU MOSHIACH TZIDKENU...(translated into English by Rachmiel Frydland Dr. Phil Goble) "Moshiach our Righteousness has turned away from us. We are crushed and there is none to justify us. He loaded on himself our sins and the yoke of our transgressions, and he was thrust through because of our transgressions. He loads up our sins on his shoulders so that he might find forgiveness for our iniquities. There is healing for us in His wounds, O Eternal, it is time to create him anew, make him ascend from the circle of the Earth, bring him up from Se'ir (the world of the Gentiles) to proclaim to us again on Mt Levanon by the Hand of Yinnon (Moshiach; see Ps 72:17)." See this and see this and this.
Your soul's salvation hangs on the inerrancy of the Bible and this and this and listen to this and this and pray this and this about the kaparos. NOT A MESSIANIC BAAL TESHUVA YET BECAUSE YOU STILL HAVEN'T OBEYED MOSHIACH AND HAVEN'T YET MADE ZIKH GE'TOYVL'T IN DER MIKVE? AND DON'T UNDERSTAND THE RATIONALE OF THIS BIBLE SOCIETY WEBSITE? OR WHAT PHIL GOBLE IS DOING HERE?What is at stake in this whole matter of kiruv outreach to the Jewish People? Why get so serious about what the Bible says? Aren't these just words? When the prophets of the Tanakh predicted the Exile and The Return (the death and resurrection of the Nation of Israel), were their predictions just words? When you pick up a bottle and the label says "Rat Poison: lethal if swallowed," are those just words? Of course they aren't just words! Take a drink and you will find out the hard way that they are far more than words.
If you look at the very last verse in Isaiah the horrific warning is there. "Neither shall their fire be quenched and they shall be deraon. (pronounced de-rah-OHN" meaning "object of abhorrence") and it is one of the most frightening words in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), made even more horrendous because Daniel adds another word to it deraon olam ("de-rah-OHN oh-LAHM" Daniel 12:2, "eternal abhorrence").
Now, you ask, to what is the text referring? There was a valley S and SW of Jerusalem outside the holy city where evil was perpetuated and where perpetual fires were burning. This valley belonged to the sons of Hinnom. Gey is the word for "valley" in Hebrew. The word for "hell" is Gey-Hinnom or Gehinnom. In the very last verse of Isaiah (Isaiah 66:24, see page 431 in the Orthodox Jewish Bible), the prophet Isaiah speaks of unquenchable fire. Then he uses this word deraon and this word, meaning "abhorrence" or "object of abhorrence," describes the damned in hell. But then Daniel adds another word olam ("eternal," see page 745 in the Orthodox Jewish Bible), inferring everlasting Gehinnom, inferring that Hell and its Fire is everlasting punishment and the abhorrence of those in Gehinnom is eternal. Not just deraon but deraon olam !!!!!
You say, that's a very scary way to end his book, a real rat poison warning label! Yes, but Isaiah gives the poison antidote if you will read his book. In the last chapter of Isaiah, the prophet is speaking about the rebels (poshe'im). He says their fire shall not be quenched and they shall be an object of abhorrence (derah-OHN). But in Isaiah chapter 53 he says that all of us are rebels who have gone our own way and that the Moshiach had to become an object of abhorrence to make the sacrifice that would redeem us. It says that he was wounded for pey-sha-ey-noo (our rebellions) and the chastisement that brought us peace was upon him. Look at page 421 in the Orthodox Jewish Bible and read chapter 53 of the Book of Isaiah. This may not seem that important to you until you consider that Gehinnom is everlasting, and that is what Moshiach came to spare us, taking the bitter cup of judgment we would have had to drink --see Psalm 60:3; 75:8; Isaiah 51:17- 23; Jeremiah 25:15-29; 49:12; Lam 4:21; Zech 12:2; Lk 22:42.